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Board of Directors

Team Directors and Communication Luis Gamboa and Elizabeth Perry
(Karla Foit assisting in 2025)
WHALe League Representative Luis Gamboa
WHALe Technology Administrator Daniel Petty
Head Coach Bridgette Foit
Treasurer Lindsey Klinefelter
Secretary OPEN
Fundraising and Sponsorship Liha La 
(OPEN - need a 2nd person)
Volunteer Managers Rashmi Durham and Adeola Adebote
Concessions Manager OPEN
Spirit Activities Manager OPEN
(Felicia Tadlock is leaving after 2025)
Equipment Manager

We have several board members that have left and a couple more after 2025.  If you are interested in becoming a board member, please email [email protected]

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Pine Mill Ranch Swim Team is a division of West Houston Aquatic League (WHALe - www.swimwhale.com)

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