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Volunteer Job Descriptions

“Thank you!” to each and every one of our volunteers as you make our swim meets possible!  Every volunteer position is vital for our meets to run smoothly and as quickly as possible. Therefore, if for some reason you cannot fulfill your job assignment for any reason, please contact a Board Member immediately.

Please note that families new to PMR Swim Team are not eligible to work certain volunteer position because previous experience is necessary. Exceptions may be made under certain circumstances after approval from the Board.


Concessions - Staff

These volunteers assist the Head of Concessions inside the Clubhouse with setup, selling of concessions, and cleanup of concessions area after meet. (Home Meet: 3 per Shift, 6 total)

Concessions - Sno Cones

These volunteers assist the Head of Concessions with Sno Cone station setup, selling of Sno Cones, and cleanup of Sno Cone station. (Home Meet: 2 per Shift, 4 total)

Concessions – Hospitality/Restaurant Runner

Delivers water to all volunteers, home and visitors.  The first Shift volunteer is also responsible for picking up concessions from a local Chick-Fil-A or other similar local restaurant. (Must drive your own car). (Home Meet: 1 per Shift, 2 total)

Console Operator

**Volunteers must have completed the WHALe Electronic Timer Training. Must complete training before you can sign up for this position.**  Console Operator will be responsible for managing the Dolphin Wireless console and the Meet Manager software. They will also receive the event timer sheets and double check automatic times against the backup times. (Home Meet: Dolphin Wireless console – 1 per Shift, 2 total; Away Meet: Meet Maestro software – 1 per meet and counts as 2 Shifts)

Deck and Pavilion Guard

Maintains general order, including keeping individuals out of the splash pools, ensuring that the ready bench area is free from non-swimmers and keeping the pool deck clear for judges and coaches. Ensures that swimmers stay in the ready bench area, stay out of the Pavilion where the younger Age Group swimmers sit and ensures that all PMR swimmers stay out of the adjacent playground.  Guards must wear yellow security vests provided by PMR. (Home Meet: 4 per Shift, 2 pool ends, 1 pavilion entrance, 1 inside pavilion, 8 total)


These volunteers will assist the Volunteer Coordinator with volunteer check-in at the start of each shift. These volunteers will also fill in for any needed shifts. If all shifts are full, this volunteer will “float” during their shift and fill in, as needed, for volunteers that need a break or complete their shift. If floater is not utilized, the volunteer requirement has not been met. (Home and Away Meets: 2 per Shift, 4 total)

Judge - Stroke

**Volunteers must have completed the WHALe League Judge Clinic Certification training. Must complete training before you can sign up for this position.**  These volunteers observe the swimmers within each heat to ensure that their strokes are legal according to the SPSC swimming rules. If an infraction is observed, the judge immediately raises their flag/hand and report to the Meet Director for the swimmer in question. Leniency in cases of “no harm” fouls or fouls among the ten and under age groups is encouraged. There are no disqualifications in the 6 & under; and in the 7- 8 age groups, unless, in the opinion of the Stroke Judge or Meet Director, the swimmer has had an unfair advantage in swimming the wrong stroke. (Home and Away Meets:1 per Shift, 2 total)

Judge - Touch Turn

**Volunteers must have completed the WHALe League Judge Clinic Certification. Must complete training before you can sign up for this position.** These volunteers observe the swimmers within each heat to ensure that all turns and touches are legal according to the SPSC swimming rules. They also watch for false starts on the relay take-offs. If an infraction is observed, the judge immediately raises their flag/hand and report to the Meet Director for the swimmer in question. (Home and Away Meets:2 per Shift, 4 total)

Event/Heat Flipper and Swimmer Call Out

Volunteer runs the Flip Chart with the events and heats that are lining up. Volunteer also uses a megaphone to call out for the swimmers the next event. This volunteer must be comfortable using a megaphone and be able to speak loudly. (Home Meet:1 per Shift, 2 total)

Parking Attendant

This volunteer is responsible for making sure that only permitted vehicles park in the Pine Mill Ranch Pool parking lot. (Home Meet:1 per Shift, 1 total)

Ready Bench -- Boss

Ready Bench Boss remains in the Ready Bench area, receives the swimmers from the Ready Bench Runner(s), takes roll and reports any missing swimmers to the head coach, and ensures that the swimmers are in the correct lane and heat. Ready Bench Head is also responsible for ensuring that all swimmers are properly lined up for the event without delay. (Home and Away Meets:2 per Shift, 4 total)

Ready Bench – Tent Parent (Formerly Ready Bench Head)

**Due to the importance of this position, please read the Ready Bench information page prior to signing up for this position.** PMR Rays swimmers sit together under tents with their Age Group during meets. The Tent Parent supervises the tent for a particular Age Group during meets and is responsible for working with the Ready Bench Runner to ensure that swimmers get to the Ready Bench on time with caps and goggles. The second shift Tent Parent is to remain in the tent until all swimmers have left or been reunited with their parents. For the younger Age Groups, this job may also involve making sure the swimmers eat, hydrate, and use the restroom at appropriate times so as not to miss their races. It may also involve marking the swimmers’ shoulders with names or arms with event/heat/lane. (Home and Away Meet:4 per Shift, 8 total)

Ready Bench – Runner

** Due to the importance of this position, please read the Ready Bench information page prior to signing up for this position.** The Ready Bench Runner is responsible for working with the Ready Bench Tent Parent to ensure that swimmers get to the Ready Bench on time with caps and goggles. The Ready Bench Runner is responsible for chaperoning the swimmers from their tent to the appropriate Ready Bench. The Runner remains with the swimmers until the event is completed and is then responsible for chaperoning the swimmers back to their tent after the event. (Home and Away Meets:4 per Shift, 8 total)


**Volunteers must have completed the WHALe League Judge Clinic Certification for Referee and Electronic Timer Training. Must complete training before you can sign up for this position.** Referee is responsible for conducting a meeting before the meet begins with all officials (timers, judges, etc…) and coaches to review meet procedures. (Home Meet: 1 per meet, counts as 2 shifts)


These volunteers will receive heat result labels from the console/scoring table and attach the label to the correct ribbon. The ribbons get sorted by team. (Home and Away Meets:1 per Shift, 2 total)

Setup Before Meet

Home meet volunteers prepare the pool and deck areas for the meet, including setting up tables, ready benches, canopies/tents, concessions, etc…. Away meet volunteers set up canopies/tents. You must the work entire start to end time in order to receive credit for your shift. (Home Meet: 6 per Shift; Away Meet: 3 per Shift)


**Volunteers must have completed the WHALe League Judge Clinic Certification for Starter. Must complete training before you can sign up for this position.** This volunteer works the entire meet and announces the events and signals the start of each heat. The Starter is responsible for charging false starts to swimmers. The Starter will use a starting device, and only whistle in the event of a device failure. (Home Meet: 1 per meet and counts as 2 Shifts)

Tear Down after the Meet

Home meet volunteers clean up the pool deck and take down canopies/tents, tables, chairs and store ready benches and ropes. They also assist the Head of Concessions with storing concessions. Away meet volunteers take down canopies/tents and help clean up. You must work entire start to end time in order to receive credit for your shift. (Home Meet: 6 per Shift; Away Meet: 3 per Shift)


Time swimmers during races. Two people per lane are required. One will be using a standard stop watch and a Time Drops Wireless Timer while the other will be using a Time Drops Wireless Timer and will write down the stop watch time. (Home and 8 Lane Away Meets: 8 per Shift, 16 total; 6 Lane Away Meets: 6 per Shift, 12 total)

Timer - Runner

Collect slips from Timers/Writers and Referee and deliver to console operator’s table. (Home and Away Meets: 1 per Shift, 2 total)

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Pine Mill Ranch Swim Team is a division of West Houston Aquatic League (WHALe - www.swimwhale.com)

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